June 26, 2023 2:43 pm Published by

Kazakhstan’s joy knows no bounds as they celebrate their ascent to the pinnacle of the Socca World Rankings. Following their stunning victory in Essen, the reigning world champions have secured the coveted number one position, leaving 2022’s winners, Brazil, in second place.

This remarkable feat by Kazakhstan comes after a spectacular performance in the Socca World Cup, solidifying their reputation as a dominant force in the sport. However, they are not the only team making waves in the rankings. Mexico, known for their exceptional players from Leisure Leagues, has made an impressive climb to the fourth spot, showcasing the talent and potential nurtured within the recreational league.

Meanwhile, the runners-up of the previous tournament, Ukraine, have risen to the seventh position, displaying their continued growth and competitiveness on the global stage. The rankings further highlight the prowess of teams such as Poland, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, and the USA, as they complete the top ten with their exceptional performances.

Notably, Leisure Leagues continues to leave its mark on the socca landscape, extending beyond Mexico’s rise. The Egypt team, also hailing from Leisure Leagues, has exhibited commendable progress, propelling them to the 21st spot in the rankings. Joining them in the rankings are Lithuania at the 26th position and Pakistan at the 37th position, further emphasizing the global reach and impact of Leisure Leagues in nurturing socca talent.

In the context of the home nations, slight variations can be observed. England occupies the 12th position, showcasing their competitive spirit and solid performance, while Scotland follows closely at 14th place. Wales, who did not participate in Essen, currently sits at the 56th spot in the rankings.

The release of the Socca World Rankings provides a comprehensive overview of the sport’s top-performing teams, with Kazakhstan’s rise to the summit and the emergence of players from Leisure Leagues capturing the attention of socca enthusiasts worldwide. The rankings serve as a testament to the ever-growing competitiveness and global appeal of the sport, creating an exciting atmosphere as teams vie for recognition, glory, and the opportunity to etch their names in 6 a side football history.

News on how you can participate in future tournaments including the World Cup, will be revealed soon.


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This post was written by Andy Thorley

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